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Work your Feet!

Updated: Apr 6, 2019

When you are new to dance, there is a lot to learn. It often feels like there is no way to catch up with those who have been dancing since they were 2 or 3. This leads to new dancers jumping straight to the technique their peers are working on, and skipping the fundamentals. Do not make this terrible mistake! As the name suggests, the fundamentals are critical to correct lines and execution.

As experienced dancers, if you skip or slack on these fundamentals, your dancing will never reach its potential. You may complete a routine, but it never quite has those breath taking moments you hope for. By returning to the basics- such as improving your arch and ankle strength, you can improve the look and execution of your dancing.


Level 1: This video will show you the absolute basics of your foot workout. All exercises can be done without help or equipment.

Tips as you work:

1) As you point and flex, focus on keeping your knees flat against the ground. Work through demi (half) point each time, and think about pulling your heels up and into your calves. Repeat 10 times, holding for 10 seconds at your strongest point.

2) Begin in forced arch, meaning you bend your knees until your heels are directly over your metatarsals. Then, slowly straighten your legs while trying to not let your heels drop at all. Keep your heels over the center of your foot to avoid sickling. All 10 toes should feel equal weight. Repeat 10 times, holding for 10 seconds at your peak.

A sickle in your foot means the the line from your shin to your middle toe is curved. Your ankles have given out, and you are rolling out to your little toes or in to your big toes. The goal in dance is to always keep your weight on all 5 toes equally. Rolling to either side of your foot is an error and needs to be corrected.

3) An eleve means to rise. Your goal is to lift your heels up and over the center of your foot as high as possible. As you rise, do not let your ankles fall out and do not roll your weight to the outside or inside of your foot. No stopping until your calves are burning (apx 30 sets)

Although you are working your feet, pay careful attention to your knees and posture during this exercise. Follow this link to learn more about proper posture in dance.

*You can also complete this exercise with a tennis ball between your heels. The goal is to hold the tennis ball as you rise and lower. If the tennis ball drops, you know you sickled.

4) Stretch the top side of your foot to help create a long, curved arch. Be careful to never just crunch your toes. The goal is to create a long curve. Do this by creating a diagonal line from your foot to your knee, not a vertical line. Repeat 10 times, holding for 10 seconds on each foot.

5) Roll your ankle and foot out to end your exercise. Unlike when you used to do this in PE or other sports, pay careful attention to your flex, demi point, and full point. Your foot should pass through all three positions as you make your circle. Complete 10 outside circles and 10 inside circles on each foot. Try completing this move center floor to work your balance as well.


Ready for more? Complete these videos!


Camas Combined Middle Schools Dance Team

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