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Ballet Basics: pliés and tendus

Many people think if a) they have been dancing in general for a few years, or b) they have taken ballet classes in the past, they are no longer beginners. However, I personally believe that if you cannot execute technically accurate pliés, tendus, sautés, dégagés, glissades, jetés, etc., then you are still a beginner. These moves are the basis for all more advanced moves, and until you have mastered them- you should not move on in your class level.

For many dance team members, the intense training of studio at a young age was missed. Many dance team members are performing leaps and turns without the proper basics, which really limits the visual aesthetic and athleticism of the dancer.

If you are reading this to improve your basic ballet, then you are already taking the right steps! You understand that you need to work on your fundamentals, and you are willing to put in the time and effort. Please do not rush this process. These skills are not a checklist to be completed as quickly as possible. These skills make up the core of your dancing, and should be viewed as daily habits that never go away. Take it slow, video yourself to check your alignment from a different perspective, and repeat as often as possible!

I have compiled a collection of tutorial videos perfect for beginners to help your develop your ballet skills. Remember, skills build upon each other- so if there is a prerequisite skill, be sure to master that skill first.


Prerequisite: knowledge of the 5 basic positions and ballet posture.


  • Think like a rubber band: your torso lifts up as you go down.

  • Knees travel over your toes.

  • Think about moving like a sliding door: opening your quads out vs. bending your knees forward.

  • Heels only rise once your transition from demi to grand (except in second position).

  • Never sit in your grand; remain lifted and working.

  • Keep your core engaged and your posture aligned.

  • Be careful to never roll your feet forward/in.


Prerequisite: Foot work to achieve a correctly pointed foot.


  • Both knees remain straight the entire time.

If this is difficult- work here before proceeding.

  • Press into the floor to move out.

  • Never lift (disengage) off of the floor.

  • Maintain your turnout. Think of a spiral from your hip to your heel.

Plies and Tendus:

Faster recap of essential skills. It's always good to hear multiple people explain the same skill! Sometimes a different way of explaining it will just *click*

First 8 minutes only!

Don't you just love her accent?

Great job! Now move on from this and never come back.


Every ballet class begins with these skills for a reason. They are the basis for everything and must be practiced and refreshed consistently. Always begin here, and then build. If you have any questions or comments- post below! As always- please keep it kind and classy; this blog is geared towards middle school and high school students.


Camas Combined Middle Schools Dance Team

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